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by Adoption Legal Centre in Nigel Priestley, Potential adopters, Sarah Young posted October 28, 2019.

Adopted children and trust disputes

Sometimes Courts have to make decisions where the answer seems clear to most of us. Are adopted children equal to […]

by Adoption Legal Centre in Adoption Legal Centre, Adoption News, Adoption Support, Samantha Sanders posted June 27, 2014.

£2 million made available for adoptive support

The government announced on 27th June that over £2 million of new funding will be made available to ten councils […]

by Adoption Legal Centre in Adoption Legal Centre, Adoption News, Samantha Sanders posted January 30, 2014.

Adopted children missing out on mental health treatments

Common disorders, such as ADHD or conduct disorder, are being ‘grossly under-identified’ amongst adopted and fostered children, according to a […]



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